Advertising in The Messenger

Commercial advertising

The Yellow Pages are set for 12 months from December to November each year. Entries have to be submitted and accepted by 1st October for inclusion in the following year.

Your advertisement will be in every householder’s hands six times a year and The Messenger therefore provides a useful directory that everyone uses and refers to.

Advertising space is limited and priority booking is offered to the previous year’s advertisers. Rates for adverts range from £70 for a 1/4 page to £220 for a full page.

Small Ads

We are happy to take up to 3 text only small ads per issue. The cost per issue is £15 for the first 20 words, including contact information and £5 for each further 10 words up to a maximum of 40 words.

The same small ad can be repeated in alternate issues, if there is not too high demand. New adverts will be given

For either type of advertising, please contact the .