Community first responders (CFRs) provide emergency treatment to people in our local area. They are dispatched by the NHS ambulance service to certain types of medical emergency (999) calls. The Community First Responders respond to these in their own car to patients in their homes, workplaces, or public locations. Typical situations include:
- cardiac arrest;
- chest pain;
- breathing difficulties;
- unconscious patients;
- fitting patients;
- patients suffering from a stroke.

Having someone in the community who has been trained in first aid and can reach the patient quickly, makes all the difference.

A CFR call can involve anything from simply reassuring the patient until the emergency services arrive, to providing immediate emergency treatment. Above all, it’s about being there for people in our community. CFRs are on-call from their home or work address.
West Hill has two fully trained CFRs but more would be great. Could you help?
You don’t need any previous medical experience. There are some personal characteristics needed and you can find out more using the link below.
All the training you need is provided, including:
- induction for the role, with first aid training
- ongoing training and support run by The SouthWest Ambulance Service
If you would like to know more, please see –
Exciting volunteering opportunities have arisen within South Western Ambulance NHS Foundation Trust for Community First Responders to join Community First Responder schemes across North and East Devon.
A Community First Responder (CFR) scheme is made up of a group of trained volunteers who, within the community in which they live or work, attend emergency calls on behalf of South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust to provide patient care, including basic life support, until the arrival of an emergency ambulance.

This voluntary role is highly rewarding and offers opportunities to meet new people and learn valuable lifesaving skills through the training provided by South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust.
More information is available in the video below:
The expression of interest form –