Members of St Michael’s have close links with West Hill Primary School and enjoy an excellent working relationship.
Most months, someone from the church takes a morning assembly at the school. A couple of time each year one class visits the church to learn all about the building and the furniture, signs and symbols that make up St Michael’s. There might be a picture hunt or a fashion parade of the colourful vestments that mark the religious seasons and festivals of the church year. We demonstrate how all these features carry Christian symbolism and meaning and how they help to convey the messages of Jesus Christ to everyone who comes into the building.
There are also events for pre-school children and their families at such times as Easter, Harvest and Christmas.
Tea & Toast & Toys

Tea & Toast & Toys is held every Friday morning between 8.45 and 10am (term times only), upstairs in the Village Hall. We offer a friendly welcome, tea, coffee or milk, toast with marmalade, jam or Marmite and toys for the little ones (pre-schoolers and toddlers).
All ages are welcome, with or without children. Come along for a chat, to meet friends or make new ones and to relax.
Helpers are also always welcome!
More information from Ann (813886) or Pam (814096)
Toddler Group
Every Monday during term time West Hill Pre-School runs a Toddler Group between 9am and 11am, meeting upstairs in the Village Hall. St Michael’s organises a rota of helpers who make coffee and tea for the mums, dads, grannies, grandads or nannies who accompany the toddlers. We also serve snacks and drinks for the children.
If you would like to be included on the coffee helpers’ rota and spend an enjoyable couple of hours at the start of the week, please contact Sue Ritchie on 01404 814811.
Messy Church
Messy Church is an informal church for families. Its values are Christ-centred and are based on creativity, hospitality and celebration. Together, we use hands-on activities to explore Bible stories.
Although Messy Church is geared towards the under-12 age group (children must be accompanied by an adult), all ages are welcome. After the activities and a clergy-led talk, the children have tea whilst the adults enjoy a cup of tea/coffee. Everyone looks forward to the delicious home-made cakes!
Why don’t you give Messy Church a try?
We would like to encourage some new younger members to come along, for example from pre-school, or reception and year 1 of the Primary School. It is a great opportunity for all members of the family to enjoy meeting and making things together with some amazing crafts, hearing some of the Bible stories come alive, singing some cool songs AND enjoying a super tea!!
We meet once a month on a Friday in the Narthex at St Michael’s Church, West Hill from 3.45pm to 5.30pm. See the News and Events page for the current dates.
While we make every effort to ensure that Messy Church is a ‘nut-free zone’ we must ask you to be responsible for what your child eats and to notify us of any allergies.