NACRE is the acronym chosen by St Michael’s to identify its project for the Narthex And Church RE-visioning. A plan for renewal. The work, which has been approved by the church authorities, will transform the area into a more welcoming space, which can be used by the whole community. It will involve new LED lighting throughout. The Narthex (church hall) will be insulated and double-glazed windows upgraded together with new flooring and chairs.
St Michael’s Goes Green Events
For these events, any funds raised will be matched by the Diocese of Exeter up to £10,000 thanks to their “Give to Go Green” funding initiative.
All ticketed events are £10 for adults (plus £0.25 booking fee). There is no charge for under 16s, but they will need a ticket. Book Tickets Here.
Family Barn Dance, Friday 20th September 6.00pm – 8.00pm at the Royal British Legion, Ticketed Event
This is an event for all ages, so book your tickets (under 16s are free but still need a ticket) and get your dancing shoes on for a fun evening. Our caller, Jeremy Child, has been calling Barn Dancing for many years. This evening he will be using recorded music for us to dance to and will guide us through the moves.
Don’t worry if you think you can’t dance – you can walk rather than skip or just come and watch the fun. Babes in arms welcome to add to the general mayhem!
Tell your friends and bring a crowd. If the parking at RBL is full, then you are welcome to use the Church car park (but bring a torch).
The bar will be open and there will be a raffle. There are no refreshments at this event but plenty of drinks and crisps at the bar.
A Flower Festival for Harvest, Friday 27th – Sunday 29th Sept 10.00am – 3.30pm, St Michael’s Church
Our beautiful church will be hosting a special Flower Festival for Harvest with arrangers from St Michael’s Church and from some of our village organisations. We hope you will drop in over the 3 days to enjoy the serenity of the church, the lovely flower arrangements and maybe some tea, coffee and cake. Or come to one of the following three events and enjoy the Flower Festival at the same time: Welcome Café, Music in a Quiet Place and Harvest Festival.
There is no charge for this event, but Refreshments will be available and donations are very welcome.
The Welcome Café, Friday 27th September 10.30am – 12.30pm, St Michael’s Church
The Welcome Café’s contribution to St Michael’s Goes Green is a New2U stall, recycling new but unwanted items. Donations for the stall are very welcome, contact Sue Bonnie on 01404 812370. There will also be a Willow Craft stall.
This monthly café is always popular and we hope that regular guests will be joined by many others to enjoy the cakes, coffee, stalls and Flower Festival.
Music in a Quiet Place, Saturday 28th September 7.00pm – 9.00pm, St Michael’s Church, Ticketed Event
Harvest Celebration, Sunday 29th September 11.00am – 12.30pm, St Michael’s Church
Our Harvest Celebration will be followed by a Ploughman’s Lunch. Please bring your own drinks. Donations very welcome.
“Sing Out” Community Choir, Saturday 5th October 7.00pm – 9.00pm, St Michael’s Church, Ticketed Event
The Sing Out Community Singers will treat us to an evening of contemporary songs. The choir is a group of likeminded people who love to get together, sing, have fun, make friends and laugh a lot!
Interval drinks. Tickets £10, children free. Refreshments will be available.
Autumn Lunch, Friday 11th October from 12 Noon in St Michael’s Church Hall
You are invited to come along from 12 noon for a sociable two-course lunch. There are no tickets but a donation, if you enjoy your lunch, will be much appreciated. Every £1 donated will be doubled under the G2GG scheme which will support St Michael’s drive to be more eco-friendly.
To help with numbers for catering, please let us know if you are planning to come – ring Sue on 01404 812 370, or . Thank you.
Auction Evening, Saturday 19th October 7.00pm – 9.00pm, St Michael’s Church, Ticketed Event
Duncan Wills will be our host for an Auction Evening. Whilst his audience sit at tables enjoying wine and canapes, he will entertain them with an interesting talk followed by an auction of a variety of lots, including Exeter Chiefs tickets and merchandise; a day at the races; a round of golf for 4; a pottery lesson; and many more! Tickets are £10. Children have free entry but this event is recommended for over 12 years only. If you’re unable to attend this event, commission bids can be taken. More details soon.