Otter Vale Probus Club

We are a very friendly club whose aim is to promote fellowship among professional and business men aged 60 or over and who have fully or partially retired from their normal working life.

The club is strictly social, non-political, non-sectarian and independent of any other bodies. Although our members generally come from the Otter Valley, the majority of our membership are resident in West Hill.
We hold our meetings on the second and fourth Wednesday of most calendar months. After coffee from 10am the meeting starts at 10.30 and consists of a speaker giving a one hour talk followed by an optional [chargeable] light lunch.  We have a varied and interesting programme of speakers from many walks of life. Our annual programme also includes three Visit Days and a Christmas Lunch for members and a guest.

Meeting costs are covered by a small annual membership fee. We would very much welcome interest from prospective new members. Come to a meeting as a guest and see if you would like to join.

If you are interested in finding out more or coming to a meeting as a guest, please contact .