Special Trees of West Hill

Our “Special Trees of West Hill” (STOWH) Project is a survey of the trees and hedgerows of the village. It aims to produce a document (on-line and/or hard copy) detailing the trees within and around the village which are thought worthy of special note and protection. It will include, or provide links to, advice on how they should be protected and maintained.

Do you have a favourite tree, or perhaps lots of favourites, that you would like to see included in the survey? If so, please give us the details of where it is and what variety it is, and we can make sure that it is surveyed.

You can:
Phone: Eileen Perkins (Tree Warden) 01404 815905 or Dick Beardsall 01404 815638
Or leave the details at the Post Office, in Morrison’s, marked “Special Trees”. We look forward to hearing from you.